The Westside Way

At Westside, we believe in making the system work for each individual child instead of forcing a child into a system that does not work for them. As such, we treat each pupil as an individual and do whatever it takes to help them succeed.

This begins with a carefully planned integration programme in which we take the time to get to know each pupil before they arrive at Westside. Through meetings with their mainstream teachers as well as a one-on-one pupil interview with the Head of Westside, we are able to paint a detailed portrait of each pupil and develop the relevant intervention strategies.

As part of this, we create a personalised curriculum for each pupil so that any gaps in their knowledge can be addressed and they can follow the courses they have already begun. The impact of these individual pupil programmes are measured every half term and we adjust them accordingly.

‘Westside has helped me become more confident in myself.’

Year 11 pupil